1000 Beach St. Flint, MI 48502 .45 Acre Commercial Corner Flint, MI (Genesee County Seat) Michigan’s 4th Largest County - 12th Largest City SW Corner of Beach & 5th Street Downtown - 3 Miles E of I69 & I75 Intersect Existing Building 7960 Sq’ - Out Building 1200 Sq’ - 22 Parking Spaces North Edge of Property 2 Separate Traffic Entrances/Exits - East Edge of Property 1 Traffic Entrance/Exit Well Maintained: Steam & Forced Air/AC & + Window AC - Municipal Water/Sewer & Waste Disposal 3 Multi-Office Suites 2-Two Office Suites 4-Single Office Suite + many additional opportunities Kitchenette/Coffee Area, Ladies & Men’s Facilities on each level Within 4 blocks are 1400+ full-time employees at the Genesee County Courthouse, the City & County Municipal Buildings, a Medical Facility, Legal Offices, the City Police Department, and the County Sheriff’s Department are a constant presence bringing continuous traffic to the streets and sidewalks surrounding at this commercial corner 2400 Mixed Capacity Residential Units of walking distance from Downtown were built in the last 4 years Be Involved in the Exciting Re-Development/Re-Structuring/Re-Economizing/Re-Vitalization/Re-Claiming Taking place Across the City of Flint Anchored by Highly Accredited: Kettering University, University of Michigan, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, and annex locations of Eastern Michigan University, Spring Arbor University, Ferris State University, Rochester Christian University, B